Skills You Need to Get a Job in Artificial Intelligence

1 min readJul 23, 2020

Artificial intelligence is everywhere now! From manufacturing plants, where automated machines are doing everything from lifting and picking to assembling automotive parts to painting car parts.

And artificial intelligence now even enables us to shop at superstores without having to visit the store and avoid the long queues while practicing social distancing. If you’re not aware yet, go check out Amazon’s newly introduced Dash Cart. These are the many ways how artificial intelligence is changing lives.

What’s more, it turns out, people like to be bossed by a robot more than a human. Good thing is — artificial intelligence is an emerging area and industry are pouncing on it. There’s good money to be made. Compensation-wise AI Engineers are offered one of the highest-paid professionals around the world. Consequently, becoming an AI professional is also is one of the toughest things to do. But AI requires exceptional problem-solving skills as the field has some trickiest problems to solve. As you may expect, the roles in artificial intelligence require a gamut of skills.




Give your career a much-needed boost with Artificial Intelligence certifications from artificial Intelligence Board of America (ARTIBA)